Here we are people in the midst of a crumbling American world of NO MORE freedom for all. Where billionaires are lauded and federal employees are canned. Where is Superman when we desperately need him?? Fighting for truth and justice the American Way!!! I am so hungry for a super hero about now. Bernie Sanders and AOC come to mind. But do they really have the power? What I’m investing in is boycotting. Ultimately boycotting doesn’t hurt the real pockets of the greedy monsters, but it does show solidarity against the regime which they cannot buy. People are seriously in trouble now. I have no idea where and how far this destruction of our American values is going, and I am scared shitless. Some of my friends are thinking about buying guns to protect themselves when the idiots come a knocking. I think it will get worse before it gets better. When it comes a knocking on those in the upper 1% maybe then things will take a turn, but IDK. I just don’t know. That sense of helplessness creeps in at all hours of the day and night like ticks burrowing in your skin whilst romping freely in the fields when you think all is safe.
And thank goodness we are still here at POETS PLACE giving y’all a safe place to share your words!!!
Here ya go…
By Tom Robbins- excerpt from Half Asleep in Frog Pajamas
2003 (RIP 2025)
“We, modern human beings are looking at life, trying to make some sense of it: observing a “reality that often seems to be unfolding in a foreign tongue-only we’ve all been issued the wrong librettos. For a text were given the Bible. Or the Talmud or the Koran. We’re given Time magazine and readers digest, Daily papers, and the 6 o’clock news; Were given school books, sitcoms, and revisionist histories; we’re given psychological counseling, cults, workshops, advertisements, sales pitches and authoritative pronouncements by pundits, sold- out scientists, political activists, and heads of state. Unfortunately, none of these translations bears more than a faint resemblance to what is transpiring in the true theater of existence, and most of them are dangerously misleading. We are attempting to comprehend the spiraling intricacies of the magnificently complex, tragic comedy with librettos that describe barroom melodramas or kindergarten skits.”
Los Angeles Fire
by Ricardo Tomasz
I do not fear a fire.
A fire cannot strip away my rights,
cannot exile my family,
cannot shackle me behind cold bars.
A fire cannot taunt my nephews
or summon mobs wielding hate
like torches in the night.
A fire cannot declare me
an enemy of the people,
cannot sever the threads
of connection binding me to friends
across invisible wires.
A fire cannot bleed me dry,
cannot raise the price
of breath and beating hearts,
cannot undo centuries of struggle
etched in law
cannot snatch the booksfrom my hands or
dreams from my horizon.
A fire cannot bruise immigrants’ bodies,
cannot defile their children’s innocence.
A fire cannot hunt refugees,
cannot cage humanity and call it law & order.
A fire cannot churn earth’s veins
for oil to gild the coffers of kings.
A fire cannot whisper lies
about who you are,
cannot make the air heavier
wherever you walk.
A fire cannot hoist
traitors’ names on monuments,
cannot rewrite history in smoke.
No, I do not fear a fire.
The fire is honest.
It burns, but it does not deceive.
Ricardo Tomasz is an artist in audio-scapes, photography, painting, collage, video, performance art, Artificial Intelligence Art, and occasionally body hair. He is a creative genius and visionary, it says so on his middle school diploma. He was born and raised in Hungary, to a Hungarian mother, and a Spaniard father. They died when he was 16, but their passing allowed him to tour and study at some of the finest Art Universities in Europe. He came to America, thrusting himself into the art scene. He was in and out, in and out, and in and out of America over several years, until finally settling in Los Angeles as an artist, designer, and occasional human crosswalk sign. He is a valuable contributor to the Greater and Grander Artist collective. Subscribe to Greater & Grander for all your Ricardo Tomasz needs.
by jerry the priest
limits come and limits go
just like umbrellas--we leave one here
forget one there...
were it in my power I swear
we'd all forget our limbs, levitate
and burst into rainbow-colored flames
because little is constant besides heat waves
and nothing is real but showing up
my feet this morning kissed by the ocean!
my shoes drenched in laughter, my fears
provoking giggles
not because my problems are solved
but because they aren't tangible at all
nor am i
my desires
my petty dreads
It's all raindrops!
It's a flock of pelicans winging by overhead
it's a prized umbrella left on the bus
not by accident, as there are none
but by mistake--you see, I happen to know
mistakes happen by the ton
and our limits
are blindfolded trifles
at dawn we kiss, then part
love shoots them
through the heart
with rifles!
jerry the priest, legal name Jerome Dunn, has been creating material for exhibition, publication and live presentation since 1979, when he studied experimental music at the University of Redlands. A vocal performer since early childhood, his formal study of music began with his first trombone lesson in 1967.
Essays, poems, stories and illustrations have appeared in Coagula Art Journal, La Quadra, the Nervous Breakdown, Bombay Gin and others, and his guitar/vocal/ trombone work and lyrics are featured on Cheap Disaster (’92), Stark Aloe Vera (’95), and Lovely Children (2011).
He’s lived and taught in Katmandu, Nepal, Istanbul, Turkey, Boston, Massachusetts, Boulder, Colorado, Portland, Oregon, San Francisco/San Leandro/Los Angeles, California, and written in Banaras, Bodhgaya, Konya, Damascus, Petra, Jerusalem, Mexico City, San Cristobal de las Casas, Antigua, Buenos Aires, Seattle, New Orleans, Chicago, Denver, Santa Fe, Bar Harbor, Vancouver, Halifax, Atlanta, Asheville and Manhattan, among other locales.
even brighter than the sun
by linda m. crate
i keep on fighting,
going despite the fact
i am tired—
because i know giving up
and giving in is just how
we lose our rights,
but it is exhausting
how humanity would rather
stamp everyone in the same
boring image rather than
allow everyone to exist as how
they are meant to be;
every bird is a different color,
rainbows have various vibrant hues,
sky blue is sometimes paler
or brighter depending on the day—
everyone should be able
to have the right to exist,
because who is anyone
to deny another human their
i tire of all these monsters,
all these nightmares;
every shade who calls himself a man
who would stamp out those whom
he deems unworthy—
i am sick of inequality, cruelty,
genocide, war, death, famine,
and disease;
i am sick of the greed of those
with much who deny the right to live
to those struggling without because the
earth has more than enough for all
of us—
but they want to control every
aspect of my life as if they have any right,
my rage burns brighter
than their hatred;
brighter than their fireworks,
and even brighter than the sun.
Linda M. Crate (she/her) is a Pennsylvanian writer whose poetry, short stories, articles, and reviews have been published in a myriad of magazines both online and in print. She has twelve published chapbooks, the latest being: Searching Stained Glass Windows For An Answer (Alien Buddha Publishing, December 2022). Linda has four full length poetry collections and a photography collection book. Linda is also the author of the novellas Mates (Alien Buddha Publishing, March 2022), Managing Magic (Alien Buddha Press, September 2022), and The Queen's Son (Alien Buddha Publishing, December 2023). Her first short story collection King Quinlin (Alien Buddha Publishing, March 2024) was published this spring. Her debut haiku collection in these ancient veins was published in Spring of 2024 (Alien Buddha Publishing, May 2024). Her latest collection mantle lake (Alien Buddha Publishing, February 2025) is a mix of photography and poetry.
By Alex S. Johnson
The turning tide smiles
and lifts a feathered talon towards the sun
Adorned in dripping robes of tears and laughter
she faces the final moonphase with tender regard
Marilyn's dreaming over the Pacific ocean beneath the blanket of night
Studded with crucifixes, her eyes beam love from quantum nodal pulsepoints
Enraptured in her mother's arms, a study in ecstatic terror
as she watches her body aborted into the stunned and flayed rocketship of ashes
She hasn't got a prayer, and nobody can save her, not a nation's
Nor the thick bands of lust that wrap her body like serpents
Dragging her down to hell with
Hugh Hefner standing
Sentinel at her
The pitch shifts to vampiric blast,
a small boy watches outside a
Funeral parlor as his masked uncle
shapeshifts his way through stellar routines
He's becoming his own best vampire self
He's becoming a surreal pawn in a shop full of drag queens styled as
chess figures
He's becoming his own rockstar funeral arrangements, with lines of
speed snorted over his coffin
He's becoming a hood ornament for a gangster's limousine
He's becoming a grey cloud or a pink mist or a rainbow slicing her to
He's becoming colors for which science doesn't have a name
She's becoming the fabulous opera Rimbaud never foresaw
She's raising the collective paw like Ellyn Maybe or
It all depends, X marks the pedwalk.
He's twisting and turning in the middle of the vortex of the factory that
manufactures spotlights and screams
She's scrambling down the lines of haunted
He's presenting a sacred dance to honor Shiva
She's proofreading a chapbook in
Honor of
Charles Bukowski
Hammering out some
Lines until they
Shakespeare in a dove-cloud skirting
Entanglement, she's
Raptured back to the
Source with
A new, desolating
Taroc pack
With her
Eyes like
Wet leather she
changes things with her
yawning pupils she
Teaches at the academy of
Opium dreams she
Opens the
Book and
Reads colors, sounds and
Glistening vulva he
Leans down to whisper in
The ear of her
John Shirley, Bram Stoker Award-winning author and screenwriter of the cult classic 1994 horror thriller The Crow, said of Alex S. Johnson that he is "the Baudelaire of our time; the poet of the underground." His work has appeared in print alongside such luminaries as Charles Bukowski, Allen Ginsberg, Poppy Z. Brite, Joe Hill, Ramsey Campbell, Kari Lee Krome, Caitln R. Kiernan, and Jarboe. Johnson is the creator of the Sweet Relief Musician's fund anthology Burning Hearts, and is the subject of the eponymous meta-documentary by the award-winning director/producer/poet Vanessa H. Smith, which will be filmed live on location in L.A. beginning with a reading at the world-renowned literary arts center Beyond Baroque, which has hosted readings by the likes of Patti Smith, Dennis Cooper, Viggo Mortensen, Exene Cervenka and U.S. Youth Poet Laureate Amanda Gorman. Johnson was mentored by Emeritus Executive Director of Beyond Baroque Richard Modiano, and poetry goddess Ellyn Maybe. He lives in Carmichael, California with his family.
Artwork: "Cyber-Marilyn" by Sandy DeLuca
Still Life
By Don Kingfisher Campbell
Flowers growing on a bush
so captivating my wife wanted
to cut off a few to put in a vase
I saw them and immediately
thought of taking a photo which
ended up looking like a painting
Captured purity of simple imagery:
black chair, white wall, glass pitcher
reflecting afternoon sunlight but
The pink petals and green leaves
are in this mind's spotlight making
me think of the history of all things
The aforementioned and a human
being both lovely in their temporary
bodies and ultimately just detritus
Enjoyed as a reminder that we
radiate inside and outside until
we create future objects of art
Don Kingfisher Campbell, MFA Antioch University L.A., taught at USC and Occidental College Upward Bound, board member California Poets In The Schools, publisher Four Feathers Press, host of the Saturday Afternoon Poetry reading and workshop series in Pasadena, California. For awards, features, and publication credits, please go to: http://dkc1031.blogspot.com
“Nudist Colony for Ring Fingers”
By Sam Hendrian
Glanced up at the ceiling
In the way a person does
When they hear their favorite song
On the coffee shop radio.
A purer form of temporary relief
Than food or mood-enhancing drugs,
The flash of a flashback smile
Radiating a room full of anti-adulting adults.
She figured her life would be over
As soon as she started dating
So she ironed her eyes with “Maybe”
And did not dare let them grow wrinkled.
There must be a nudist colony for ring fingers,
A place of connection for the purposefully disconnected
Who celebrate their independence
One closeted tear at a time.
Occasionally compensated with a public park or crowded hallway
But always wound up wondering what the point was
Since everyone was trained to instantly crop out
Evidence of human company.
Sometimes the only voice she heard all day
Was the elevator saying “Going up”
Which tempted her to go back down
Just to continue the conversation.
Sam Hendrian is a Los Angeles-based filmmaker and poet striving to foster empathy through art. Every Sunday, he writes personalized poems for passersby outside of Chevalier’s Books, LA’s oldest independent bookstore. You can find his poetry and film links on Instagram at @samhendrian143.
By Lisa Moncure
She had blood on her breasts
The redness smeared across her flesh
The white of her teeth flashed the crowd
The sea of smiling semen
The Queens had come to collect the prize
They waited impatiently off to the side
While desperate men and women
Grabbed at desire, unable to make a decision
Champagne drenched minds
Pranced around the room
Cleavage was on display
Like some competition
Breasts on the half shell
The men watched
As their daughters undressed
The daughters doing
as they've been told
Careful not to break
Their perfect mold
The sounds of expected laughter
Fill the room
And it becomes more clear
Why Anita was doomed
Lisa Moncure, raised in North Carolina, with stints in Key West, Telluride and NYC, has made Los Angeles home base since 1985. For many years, Moncure has worked as an actor and filmmaker, writing has been a part of her life since a teenager. This poem was inspired by the the Senate hearings for Clarence Thomas and Moncure's observations at a debacherous A-list Halloween event in Beverly Hills in 1991. Her band Carnal Circus, performs some of her other poems, turned into song.
By Lee Boek
Rabbit says to Squirrel, “Let’s go for a whirl,
let’s run around the hill and the wild flowers.”
They do.
Snerf comes along wanting to play, saying,
“Can ah play wit chu guys?”
Rabbit looks at Squirrel. Squirrel looks at
Rabbit. They both wiggle their noses. Each of
them knows what will happen when they play
with Snerf. Dog will see them running and will
instinctually chase them. It has happened
before. It isn’t that they’re so afraid of Dog, they
know they can outrun him anytime. But Snerf,
Snerf will want to run along with them and
Snerf will be spraying out that terrible, horrible
smelling stuff all over everybody. Then they’ll
have to run and jump into the creek and it may
be too cold. But then again, it may not. It is a
real sunny day, birds singing, the first day of
spring. It might be warm enough for a dip..
A twinkle came to Rabbit’s eyes. A twinkle
came to Squirrel’s eyes. “Why not?” they cry as
all three of them run, jumping and jiving in the
tall grass and wild flowers, laughing and
singing, as they head down the hill to the creek.
Sure enough here comes Dog a running right
on cue; barking and growling like he just
couldn’t wait to catch himself a rabbit, or a
squirrel or a…Snerf?
They start running and as they run Snerf starts
spraying like crazy and he just keeps on
spraying ‘til they hit Cow Creek and they all
jump in, even Dog jumps in, because by now he
can’t even stand himself. “Phew!”
They all know that the creek is the only way
they have of getting that terrible smell off of
them. The water is just perfect, and such a
relief. It’s so refreshing and such frolicsome fun
that Dog no longer remembers his hunting
instincts. He loses all interest in catching Rabbit
and Squirrel and certainly has no interest in
catching Snerf.
Snerf doesn’t spray the rest of the day as they
all enjoy swimming, rolling around on dead fish
and lying in the warm spring sun.
Lee Boek: Artistic Director An integral part of Public Works Improvisational Theater Company since the 1970s, Lee took over as Artistic Director of the company in 2001 after founding member Marlene Rasnick’s passing. The California native, born in 1941, has had successful careers as a Fundamentalist Evangelist preacher, radio host, actor, writer, producer, union organizer, husband, father, grandfather to many & champion for the under-served & wronged. A staple of the Silverlake arts community, Lee continues to be on the forefront of accessible, socially-relevant performing arts productions.
4:05 a.m.
By Mary Cheung
60 has passed, oh boy was that fast.
Those first 60 years,
Are bringing on tears.
Cuz I just can't believe,
How quickly it all went by.
My youth is all gone,
in an blink of an eye.
Not sure how I feel.. cuz it just doesn't seem real.
Up to 18 seemed to take forever.
21 was an exciting endeavor.
35, I was sowing my oats.
Into my 40's, a motherhood I rewrote.
50's was just a chore, to juggle work and a family that I adore.
And now that 60 is here....
Life is finally just about me.
Pursuing my dreams, living my life carefree.
So from here and beyond...
Uncertain and unsure of how I feel
Cuz my body didn't feel as it should.
In my head, I'm still as a spry as a 30 something would.
But the price is high whenever I try.
To do all that my younger me could.
Only to suffer when my vitality dies
When I push beyond my physical means
Living all of my younger me dreams.
And now I realize, that it's time to adjust again..
My life, my hopes, my dreams, my old friend.
I'll learn to adapt this new, Old me.
And embrace all the things that being 60, can be.
Mary Cheung is a multi-disciplinary artist. She has been creating art since she was young. Grew up the youngest in a family of eight. She came to America at the age of 2 and grew up in San Francisco. Attended American school during the day and Chinese school at night.
Mary has an AA degree in Fashion Design and a Best Costume Design Award from the NAACP. She often creates costumes for her art narratives and creations. Sometimes building the sets as needed.
Mary was the Producer for the Santa Rosa Spring Festivals 2011 and 2012, which incorporated live performances and festival games.
She produced the EVOLUTION Music and Arts event in 2013.
LUSCIOUS, Music Art, Live Body paint Art Event IN 2014 followed by
OPEN FLOOR IMPROV EXPERIMENT whose purpose was to engage the community, encourage local business growth and artists involvement. Her real passion and drive come from being able to engage the community while bringing hope, healing, joy, and human connection.
It is her goal to be able to continue to do this while making an impact on society’s values and thinking.
“I hope that I can be a role model for others to find their own true voice in life through my art."
Love’s Base Camp
By R.G. Carrillo
I had no king
The Laurel Canyon
Lady had her Blue
There was no Bill
To thrill me
With wedding bells
I was a Juliet
With a missing Romeo
He did not know
His lines
Our connections
Stuck in Sophomore
Vines of illusion
I was solo
Inventing a monologue
Written for two
He didn’t even
Read my secret script
Wrapped around
An incense stick
I didn’t fit
With his sensibility
I faded so young
To a sick history
I would not be
Sent away
To a shame
I hit the channel
Of love
After that miscarriage
With fervor
Independent ambition
I overshot
My goal
I was unaware
Of the craggy
Shoreline of Eros
Riptides that could drown
My spirit
Liberation from Frank
Left with a blank space
In my heart
I swam for my life
Love’s calm waters
Were deceiving
Something fundamental
But ever fleeting
A merman
With a golden tail
In a vast sea
Of confusion
A Mundo Meza painting
In black and white
Despite my fantasy flight
Still believing in love’s
Full composition
I am that dove
Looking for land
To build my nest
This life will test
My will
A discovery
Of souls
Love’s illusive base camp
More like a murky swamp
Quicksand sinkholes
That take you down
To emotional depressions
Of heart and mind
The victims’ tears
Drop into pools
Of slow moving heartache
Youth’s ardor
In its first Spring
To uncover love’s
Golden treasures
Its initial steps
Toward the sweet pleasures
Is magical until your feet slip
The terrain of love
Is not without its obstacles
Tyranny of emotions
Get back to base camp
Beware of lurking predators
Tangling poisonous vines
Romantic venom
Like the sweet aroma
Of a Venus flytrap
The allure may cause
A loss of direction
The chemical attraction
May cause you to fall
Into a amorous bog
The green cobweb
Of Spanish moss
May override
Common sense
Find the true north
Of your desires
Stay on the path
Of righteousness
Return to the base camp
Of your true heart
There in the clearing
He\She will be
Ready with water
To hydrate your soul
Ronald G. Carrillo is a native Lincoln Hts Angelino, living in Eagle Rock and a retired LAUSD educator and influencer. He writes of his passion and rebirth into the golden age of living. He has been writing since high school and was initially influenced from the songwriters, Keith Reid, Joni Mitchell, Laura Nyro, Neil Young.
Thank you for joining us! We will continue to host writers and poets of all genres.
Please submit your written work to: lindakayepoetry@icloud.com
and include a short bio
Linda Kaye writes poetry, curates poetry, produces films, spoken word and art events and produces a poetry column POETS PLACE for the online publication LAARTNEWS throughout the Los Angeles area.
Linda’s poetry events have included several summer poetry salons, and shows at the Align Gallery, 50/50 Gallery, Gold Haus Gallery, Ave 50 Gallery and Rock Rose Gallery in Highland Park. The Manifesto Café in Hermon, Pilates and Arts studio in Echo Park, and Native Boutique, and Zweet Café in Eagle Rock, The Los Angeles Makery in Little Tokyo. And at the Neutra Institute Gallery and Museum in Silverlake. Her first short documentary film “BORDER POETS” was a socially and politically inspired event with poets and musicians filmed at the border wall near Tecate, Mexico on the Jacumba, Ca. side of the US. The film co-produced by MUD productions is available for viewing on her website and on youtube. https://youtu.be/5Te4-dlhxco
Her rap music video project in collaboration with Mary Cheung, “ERACE-ISM” can also be seen on youtube. https://youtu.be/NfrbveNUBgg This video was accepted into the Ontario Museum of History & Art show “We the People” Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow. February 2- April 16, 2023. So honored!!
And… February 19, 2022, she debuted her staged poetry production of “20 Years Left” at the historic Ebell Club in Highland Park! Two sold out shows with 2 standing ovations!! Check out the links to reviews and the video!
20 Years Left youtube live stream 2/19/22
Linda Kaye is a native Angeleno who grew up in the San Fernando Valley. She claims to be both a first-generation Valley Girl, and The Original Hipster. Educated at Antioch University and Cal State Long Beach in psychology and social work. Linda, now retired from medical social work, was working for her last seven years of employment as a psychotherapist and licensed clinical supervisor for an out patient mental health clinic. She was a licensed medical social worker for 30+ years working on the front line of healthcare, a private consultant for Physicians Aid Association and for skilled nursing facilities throughout California and Arizona. She was also an adjunct assistant professor at the USC Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work. Oh yeah.
Twitter/Instagram: lindakayepoetry