March Poet's Place

Poets Place
March 2020

As we roll into March we find ourselves contemplating our presidential choices and decisions for democratic candidates. Maybe we are hopeful and maybe not. How can we not be cynical in this climate riddled with so much doubt and not enough security? Are we just waiting for “The Glew”? As the Poetess Reigns writes in her poetry offering. “Tick Tock waiting for the clock…” What can we do to hold on and find the calm and some serenity? “Just one moment let me take a good long look at him (or her or them). With a fresh pair of eyes like a newborn baby looking at the sky for the first time”. Jen Bouchard touchingly writes in her piece. We need that softness, that caring, for ourselves to nurture us through those waves of darkness that sometimes over burden us, and cloud our senses. Let’s declare squatters rights in our own domains! As Ron Carrillo so adeptly wrote in his piece “The Writers Domain”. Right on Ron! For myself, I am humbled by the poets and writers that I share the Los Angeles stage with and I want to host you all! For this month I offer this poem:

Journeys End

Her heart bled yearly, as did this season’s balled and rotted roses. With only one day left of life before the inevitable decline. In her mind she desperately and fruitlessly clung to the fading color that was once radiant. It felt as though her heart would break as the petals loosened and began their journey downward. A frequent reminder of it and life’s demise.

The beginning of the blooming cycle was a harsh and constant reminder of when her Father, a man of fierce convictions first planted those rose bushes. It was around the time, unduly, of her only son's untimely death.

The blooms would peak and laugh at her she thought, the same time of year creating for her a somber reflection, a slap in the face, of the passage of life a rebirth of a new season of unrelished change. The colors textures smells always changing. Never as lush as the year before but subtly different, coaxing- as were her perennial dower thoughts.
You’d hope that watching and participating in the constant cycle of growth and budding of the roses would help to distract away from her painful and tragic loss.
A medicinal tincture if you will, to alleviate the depression and profound sadness.
Counting religiously the falling petals as she did time. Everyday. Always.

Here are the offerings from our talented poets of March 2020!

The Poetess Reigns aka JackieRay Phillips is Creator of The Poetry of Justice Show, Where Social Consciousness Meets the Arts. The Show is designed to spark the interest and awareness of social diversity ranging from arts, entertainment and social justice at large. Catch The Poetry of Justice Show Saturday nights 6:00-8:00pm PST Live and in addition to all other podcast streaming platforms. You may also view and subscribe to the Show’s YouTube channel @The POJ Show. Follow us on IG @The POJ Show and FB @ The Poetry of Justice Show and JackieRay Phillips.

The Glew


Waiting for the clock

To stroke the strike of 12

Twelve dancers prancing

And glancing...

Through the trees

With electric energy

Seamlessly true

Ecstatic and wildly new

The way of life

Loving beneath the skin

Getting it ALL in

Into the groove


Don’t you move

Making it smooth
Into the right place

Hunting the great Fate

A quest for self

Like a Big Game TROPHY

Recognizing the Stealth


Who have we become?

Is this really new?

Sudden! Like BOOM!?

Straight out the Blue?

What about you?

What do you think?

What makes your heart sink?

Into the well...

Praying to GOD it’s not Hell!

Those fiery gates of fright!

Sometimes even on a Friday night!

What the sight!

To see...

Just Me...

Being ME...


Jen Bouchard is a poet and actress residing in Los Angeles. Last fall, she traveled to New York to perform her work in a Burden To Bare Art exhibit, performed in The Vagina Monologues at Muckenthaler Cultural Center, a featured poet for Polar Harmony organization, and performed a spoken word piece for Healthy Housing Foundation’s first poetry event, The LA Dream. She recently self published her first collection, White Helmet.

You were the last chapter of my story.

I created you into a godlike stature with the veins of all my monsters
So I could look high and marvel at the debris and decay which is now called my past life.
My past life a whole pile of sad tales Which I now close and leave at my bedside table.
As a reminder to never live in that story again.
But sometimes you jump out the pages
Come alive
When a new lover comes to leave his clean canteen of drinking water on my bedside.
When his godlike shadow bounces on the wall
There you are.
Latching yourself like heavy iron
My tired eyes
Crumbling like fallen warriors
Battle worn and fed up
I would give anything for just one clear look.
A breath of fresh air his baby smooth skin
Words filling me with sweet forgiveness
He reminds me with his song to forgive.
Yet your story still lingers to kill the magic of his kiss.
Let me have just one moment.
Just one moment let me take a good long look at him.
With a fresh pair of eyes like a newborn baby looking at the sky for the first time.
Just one moment where you haven’t carved yourself on me like a tattoo
Burning the insides of my lips
Turning them to prickly thorns
Leaving him scathed bare and raw to the bone.
Just one moment let me look at him
Let me be reminded that I have soft lips
That I am welcoming and warm
That I swoon and giggle and god forbid moan
Let me take my new lovers canteen of clean drinking water
Let it wash over me like I’m being baptized made holy again by his perfectly imperfect pure immaculate skin.
Harmless non threatening fearless his shadow bounces until the entire rooms spins.
Let it heal me or that very least let it be temporarily relief
Let the thorns slowly fade as I feel the magic when we play.
Let the music stay the same
Let me not be reminded of that day
One year
One fight one anything
It’s moment like these.
When I’m pleading for the impossible to be.
It’s moments like these
That I have to make peace with the fact that I might not ever be free.
Otherwise you will cover me whole
Until I lie with you in a dark hole
Dreaming the impossible dream

Ronald G. Carrillo is a native Lincoln Hts Angelino, living in Eagle Rock and a retired LAUSD educator and influencer. He writes of his passion and rebirth into the golden age of living. He has been writing since high school and was initially influenced from the songwriters, Keith Reid, Joni Mitchell, Laura Nyro, Neil Young.

The Writer’s Domain

The dark and light of it
Left me in shadows and doubt
About a mystery never clearly explained to me
I was without him
But within my own space
I realized what I wanted
But didn’t need his embrace
It was a myth we were all chasing
Racing for a spin on love’s roulette wheel
It wore me out knowing I could never win
Let’s make a deal with jeopardy
I dipped my pen in Eros’ blood
And replenished my Soul in the poet’s love
That only words can represent me

Distilling bad dreams and fending off enemy Lotharios
Still grinding my own coffee beans
And fighting the righteous fight
Despite bad karma in the night
And astral traveling in another life
Trying to make things right in such poor light
Like a moth drawn to uncertain flames
I declare squatter’s rights in a writer’s domain

Thanks for joining us!
Please submit your work

Linda Kaye

For February - Valentine Month 2020

Poets Place
Valentine Month 2020

Here we are again fellow writers and poets extraordinaire! We are featuring 3 delicious writers to wet your whistle with their talents galore.

Ronald G. Carrillo is a native Lincoln Heights Angelino, living in Eagle Rock, and a retired LAUSD educator and influencer. He writes of his passion and rebirth into the golden age of living. He has been writing since high school and was initially influenced from the songwriters, Keith Reid, Joni Mitchell, Laura Nyro, and Neil Young. His piece this month was written for my upcoming poetry musical “20 years left”.

Jeff Rogers is a well known poet and writer who lives and performs in Los Angeles. He grew up in Michigan college towns. You can find his work in The Coiled Serpent: Poets Arising from the Cultural Quakes and Shifts of Los Angeles, and elsewhere. He's been active with the poetry and theater performance troupe Gray Pony since 1988. He performs his work, and MC's poetry and arts events around Los Angeles, including the Drunken Masters New Works Series.

Denise “Nisi” Summers is an Ohio-born poet based in LA’s Westside. She works at Philosopher’s Stone Poetry, where she manages digital content and hosts community events and poetry readings. She is a founding editor of and contributor to PSPOETS’ publications. Nisi is also a member of the Night Owl Players, a local multi-media performance troupe that brings together art, music, and poetry. When she is not writing or performing, Nisi creates mixed media artwork, buries herself in books, and ponders the meaning of existence. She is still learning to juggle.

20 Years Left
by Ronald G Carrillo

The new decade brings vision to my patina
Yoga keeps me practicing presence and breath
A novena in maturity – Namaste!
Moving forward in my senior gait
No longer hesitating on my goals
I am feeling whole in spirit
No longer procrastinating but creating new dreams
The hour glass is emptying fast
My gratitude is ever present
My heart is full and still beating
Sparks from 1972 light my way
This life journey I am still completing
Youth was not my crowning glory
Much more comfortable in my senior skin
I swim upstream to my origin
All my sources are joining forces in holiday
Time to begin a new communion
Quality on the loom of my journey
A weaver’s eye picking ever new colors and fibers
Quantity fulfills me no longer
Its quick sensation is for fools and beautiful youth
I am now stronger in my core reducing from things
Their shine distracts and takes up my time
I need to align my poetic rhyme with the divine

Writing in my senior phase of life serves me well
The muses are everywhere
And my pen is responsive to their call
It may be a flower that attracts my attention
It may be my penchant for harmony
I am more aware of the glory of Nature
My relationship with God inspires my words
The red, white and blue are my home base
American soil is my compost heap

Love is playing in my head still
Youth’s bloom gone too soon
Her blush of innocence once pink and fragrant now spent
She pulls aside her veil to view a lover’s full moon
But love’s cruel rule robs her resolve
Her buds dry and scatter without result
A bitter pillow to swallow with no decision
Her vision blown away in the leaf litter

Life’s meaning a personal inventory screening
Striving for the better in my firmament
Holy acts in daily living
Forgiving and pushing past 21st Century AI and 5g
Social media distractions from being the real me
Meeting the challenge to be authentic
Practice presence not texting social gluttony
My senior time is precious and my priorities straight
No longer a leaf in the wind of senseless fate
I continue my journey like a disciple spreading the word
Wield your life sword and continue to engage to your last breath

We all forfeit parts of our physical selves to maturity
Aging mentally develops and tames the ego
But youth’s good looks surrender unquestionably to time
Our senior position smooths out our rough edges
Wisdom waters dissolves our bumps of regret and shame
No longer playing the game we can drink the tea of tranquility
We can walk a golden path of gratitude with peace of mind
Blessings from the heavens
Spiritual security from left to right
All calm and serene on my green home front
Gentle days pass into nights of bliss and solitude

The bloom is off the rose
Her petals parched and picked
And have become wilted in the sun
I too am losing my youthful color in the Autumn of my being
Now becoming white washed with age and some grace
I am disappearing as I pass the baton of responsibility
Like a ghost on the sidelines I move on
This new generation recharges my soul
Like a vampire I am transplanted and transfixed
Millennial soil is rich and fertile
New buds appear all around me complex yet simple
And some are special hybrids
These astound me with their aroma and singular color
The alleluia in their flower
Bedazzles the onlooker in the early morning hour
Their petals are water colored Art
Dew drops are Nature’s accessory
Their shapes are still God’s mystery
I take in their aromatic history

Things Wondrous Made of Plain Things
by Jeff Rogers

We buy three stars
Made from rusty nails and screws
by Nan Wollman at Future Studios

Then we move on to Clare Graham’s MorYork
Where the mild-mannered front gallery gives passage
To a fantastical trove of assemblage art oddities
And found-object storage
As elaborate internal architecture,
Archaeology and geology.

Twisting aisles and alleyways
Of sculptures hanging down like stalactites
And sculptures rising up like stalagmites
And raw materials in free stacks and nestled
In the drawers of tall thin apothecary chests
Lure us ever deeper into a labyrinth.

Bundles of doll parts mummified in cellophane, dangling
Near serpentine columns of nested bottle caps
And the sharp geometry of scrabble-tile city towers.
Straight rows of long low display cases
Enforce a stubborn order along one wall.
Founds objects here have waited so long
For their turn to be harvested, molded and shaped
They have become shape itself.

Move closer then to the shining silver chairs and see
They’re made of aluminum can pull-tabs and think
How can that be comfortable? But give them a try, sit
And feel their shocking springy give, how it calls you
In soft metallic whisper to settle in and stay, rest,
Imagine, let your mind pick its way back through
Things wondrous made of plain things.

What is the Science of our Spirit?
by Nisi Summers

It is the coherent pursuit of wisdom
Of knowing the physical and natural
World; our everything is unknown
So we venture to know it intimately

It is the observe and report of mistakes
By the nature of discovering each other’s
Selves; the ever-changing structure
Until we cannot learn anymore

It is the biochemical weapon of love
To relent the haunting tribunal
Man-Made; unjust claims will remain
So we must fight this to change

It is the method we materialize
To make small sense of what is
Art; the ultimate alchemical balance
Until creation is secure and endless

What is the Science of our Spirit?

It is the paint gliding canvas in streetlight
To kiss guitar’s airy note, typewriter keys’
Tac-Tac; the ancient formula awaits completion
Until the words can reach ears poetically

It is the search for the stone and sword
By combining forces, our metals to find
Elixir of Life; what we came here to do
Until there is no more, becoming realists

It is the chrysopoeia of our spirit tonight
By the transmutation of gold
The Magnum Opus; Art and life collide
So the philosophy rides stoned high

What is the Science of our Spirit?

It is the identity of consciousness
To keep light on the moon, to pull the
Oceans; kinetic energy to keep us creating
So that we know this is science.


Jeff Rogers is reading next at Stories Books in Echo Park on February 13 and co-hosting Drunken Masters: Poetry on February 26 at General Lee's in Chinatown.

Nisi is hosting several upcoming events! Get on board and check them out!
Elevate Studios Presents Play Time Neyborly 2/9 11 am-8 pm
*Not hosting this, but PSPOETS will be participating

Open Mic: A Night of Love w/ PSPOETS - Gravlax 2/11 8 pm

Green Dreams - Mar Vista Art & Music Walk 3/7 6/10
Night Owls will be participating, details are TBA

Thanks for joining us!
Please submit your work

Linda Kaye

Poet's Place

Hello LAARTNEWS readers! Linda Kaye here. Starting today LAARTNEWS launches the ‘POETS PLACE’  which will feature local LA based poets for your daily reading pleasure. Follow us @laartnews/poetsplace and submit your poems, thoughts, suggestions and encouragements for our inspirational 2020 kick off! Let your creative juices soar and rock our socks off with your brilliant prose. We look forward to a stellar year of creativity! We start off today featuring a poem from my new chapbook “What’s Your Hubbub” of poetry styling’s.

Forbidden Fancy


sssshhh be quiet look right up the alley just behind the corner through the gates of wrath swathed in the disciples of a moralistic canvas lies a forbidden fancy

temptation pulls at your lust strings envisioning hidden treasures packed and overflowing with rich delights too delicious to eat all at once

sacrificing security of the unknown

fearful of unleashing untold risks destruction of the moral fiber loosely sewn and deliberately unfastened just so slightly to allow the hot breath to escape

knowing full well of the consequences

falling gleefully through the exposed traps that could alter one’s protected future wreaking havoc of changing the expected course

but you enter anyway for what lies beyond is pure ecstasy of the kind only fairytales espouse

a hidden gem that shines so gloriously bright intoxicating- drawing in only the strongest of hearts and minds

 a reward of just desserts

WHAT are you waiting for?


Friday night January 17th 8:30 pm, will feature Mona Jean Cedar, hosted by the beautiful and talented Elena Secota. Linda Kaye Poetry and Josie Roth, violist will also join Mona Jean for a reading of “Forbidden Fancy”.

Thanks for joining us!

Linda Kaye