Check out Poet’s Place!
Since it’s the first part of the month you have to go over to Poet’s Place and check out the newest edition. Linda has gathered some great end of year reading for your enjoyment.
I don’t know about you but I am sure looking forward to the new year. A fresh start for everyone. And a vaccine or two or three, that we’ll be able to take soonish. Will there be some sense of “normal” in our near future? Something to ponder. In the meantime everyone is hopefully figuring out what they’re good at or looking for a new career, maybe thinking of what kind of art to create. Yup. What a year.
And now it’s the holiday season, but it’s different this year. The pandemic is raging and we can’t go anywhere. If you are gifting this year, keep it local, and handmade for the holidays. Please buy art for your friends and family. Or make some.