A New Month Amid a Pandemic - Happy May!!

Strange times we are living in. Trying to figure out what day it is? Does it matter right now? Not really. So here are some things to amuse you as you stay home and stay safe. We’ve got poetry from Linda over at Poet’s Place and some web sites to visit, as well as some information you may find interesting.

If you find yourself inspired to learn something new, wander over to Maker News, the craftier page here at LA Art News. There are virtual class suggestions and a video from one of our sponsors, Bullseye Glass. Everybody needs to make something. Go make something!

Submit through Film Freeway link on homepage

Submit through Film Freeway link on homepage


Tricks and Triumphs: The Pastey Whyte Story

Here’s a cool article written about Artist Pastey White that’s in Sold Magazine. Enjoy!