The days are getting longer and that makes me smile. Springtime is in the air and a newish normal seems closer now that people are getting vaccinated. Maybe there will be art openings soon. Hope so. So, what are you making? How are you doing? We are at the year “anniversary” of weirdness. Has it been weird enough for you? Of course it has…how about some poetry? Wander over to Poet’s Place for a fresh dose of poetry. Linda has again brought us a wonderful group of poets. Enjoy their work.
Kristine Schomaker does wonderful things for the arts community and one of them is her page of L.A. Artist Resources, at her site Shoebox. Please check it out.
The Arroyo Arts Collective, based in Northeast Los Angeles, has a new arts opportunity. Check it out.
Over at Hyperallergic…An Online Haven for Lovers of Alexander Calder