May Poet's Place


Hola! Publishing from Barcelona, Spain!!! What a magical city! The city of dreams they say when you enter the Gaudi designed building, Casa Batllo. It’s “a building in the center of Barcelona, Spain. It was designed by Antoni Gaudí, and is considered one of his masterpieces. A remodel of a previously built house, it was redesigned in 1904 by Gaudí and has been refurbished several times after that. Gaudí's assistants Domènec Sugrañes i Gras, Josep Canaleta and Joan Rubió also contributed to the renovation project.

The local name for the building is Casa dels ossos (House of Bones), as it has a visceral, skeletal organic quality. It is located on the Passeig de Gràcia in the Eixample district, and forms part of a row of houses known as the Illa de la Discòrdia (or Mansana de la Discòrdia, the "Block of Discord"), which consists of four buildings by noted Modernista architects of Barcelona”. Cited from Wikipedia. Lol.

This building, was so amazing. His design was carefully sculpted as an undersea playground or inside the belly of a dragon. Windows shaped like big eyes shaped with a spiral shell stained glass inside them. Just a sampling. It was an apartment building Yo! You must google it.ó 

Entering the La Familia Sagrada Gaudi basilica was enveloping. He designed the building 100 years ago and it is still not finished! Once finished it will be the tallest church in the world! He designed it with themes of the forest. Columns that hold the ceiling look like trees with branches that finger out to touch the ceiling, or as the audio guide said, touch Jesus. 

It’s a Neo-Gothic design structured to stand on its own without internal bracing or external buttressing. The result, modified beyond recognition, was a complexly symbolic forest of helicoidal piers, hyperboloid vaults and sidewalls. Exasperatingly beautiful, overwhelmingly stunning. Nothing in my life can compare with this mesmerizing structure!!!ília 

There is so much to enjoy in this art and culturally infused city. So far I have just touched the surface. Traveling is a challenge at this age. I wasn’t sure my body would hold out as long as it has, even with the jet lag in Paris, and the hangover from my last night in France, still remnants of a pounding head here in Spain. I’m good. More than good! Inspired!!!

Returning soon to LA!

Enjoy this month’s contributors!!!

Avec plaisir!!! 

Linda :0)

Day three, April 20, 2024
By Linda Kaye

she strode along on the Garonne river bank. 

It was April in France 

only the sounds of the river cascading over a cement barge could be heard 

It was quiet in April in France 

on the picturesque riverwalk, 

the quaintness of the town was a million miles away from the urban jungle, the soundscape of over stimulation and masses of manufactured noise, 


it was peaceful in April in France, sitting on a bench alongside the Garonne river no signs of pollution 

a civilized society, clean and contained in the historical capsule of the way back when 

although the roads may be cobbled and the people protective the bell still rings on the hour and a half 

what we don’t know can be researched 

what we remember is the art of adventure that was nurtured by the hosts and through explored new passageways that inspired creativity. 

It was an experience to remember 

that time in April in France.

Day 3 
April 20, 2024

as the sun rose in the garden of the foreign land, and the birds, chirped familiar songs, the church bells rang nine bells as all the towns people slept. The visitors crept alone. 

The visitors knew they could march through the village unnoticed, freshly bathed, wearing their culturally fashioned clothes neatly tucked as to not attract too much attention, also it was Sunday the day when the villagers slept in 

no shops were open so the visitors wept.

Silently Fading
By Anna C Broome 

By your grave I stood

Above your bones

I inhaled

The heap of decay

From my earliest memory

I  feared your mortality

As if it were my own

Was it so Worthy

All your Begging for battle?

Now that you put your hunger to rest

down into the darkness 

Revenge is a promise a man should keep.

Will you rise from this cursed bed,

With the same thoughts of violence in your head,

Or instead with a heavy fall

Will you prefer to sleep

Or does that admit defeat?

I stay rather silently                       

As you positively are fading                                  

very silently fading.       

Anna Broome is a Los Angeles published poet

and producer of the monthly free-to-the public performance art show, The Anna Broome Room for the passed ten years and the Solo Concert Series, The Broome Closet. She earned two bachelor’s degrees: Creative Writing, Poetry and English Literature and Language with an emphasis on British and American Romantic Poetry from the University of North Carolina at Wilmington where studied under Pulitzer Prize for Poetry nominee, Michael White. Her first book of poetry, Orthodox Bats was published in 2019. Her second book, Sex Ed: A Prerequisite at Columbine was published this year by Four Feathers Press. Her first novel, A Full Sun is due out in 2025. And first collection of novellas the following year. 

By Peter Yates


            [a tycoon’s rant]


It takes more than poets to make the world go.

Capital, brains, knowhow, drive! —

are just as important to being alive.

Unromantic, unglamorous, misunderstood,

Management quietly works for the good.


The pyramids, granted, were built by slaves,

but only when Pharaohs envisioned such graves.

When the workers were freed — their rulers killed —

what works of their own were they able to build?      

Centuries later, we come to their land,

to visit the pyramids, and stare at the sand.


This sounds, I know, a bit unkind,

But as I’ve found, so you will find —

those with nothing will admit 

their need for wisdom’s benefit,

while those who question wealth and profit,

digest the fruits of what they scoff at.


Peter Yates In venues ranging from Lincoln Center and Italian State Radio to the art clubs of Salzburg and the wilds of Los Angeles, Peter Yates has produced over a thousand events as a composer, guitarist, writer and multimedia artist.  His interest in things not done has led to a puppet opera about the Watts Towers, a DVD ghost-town opera, and several books of satire and philosophy. His activated teaching includes years on the music faculties of UCLA and Cal Poly Pomona.

By Ronald G. Carrillo

These Eagle Rock nights               

Of my loneliness

Cathedral spirits stir

In a purple mist

Of memory

Unrequited affection

Was Sophomore rejection

Smuggled in 

Those Cathedral gates

Scholarship boys traded

For Hollywood landscapes

Coming into our own

The hippie boys of high school

Paraded in glitter and platforms

Signaling the flash

Of desires kept inside

Liars of our own

True value

Sinking in the riptide

Of self despised

False molds

Status quo barriers

Burying us alive

Until finally

The faggot fur flies

Inner core 

Heart of hearts

No longer denied


Never verbalized

Our seedlings sprout

Their first leaflets

All in secret code

Amongst birds of a feather

Flocking together

In pink flamingo sanctuaries

Then to fly

And feel comfortable

In our own skin

Let this new life


Meeting him

Seeing him

For the first time

Talking to him

Being close to him

Even kissing him


The Summer of 1972

His name was Sean

He was a doorman

At an under twenty-one

Gay night club

Sweet and empathetic

Novice feet

Dipping my toe

Into the stream

Of teenage romance

He read me like a book

I waited for his call

Not to be

Gone to blue

In sad Cinderella shoes

Blown off course

In this strange new


Those gay days

Of self-hate


Men meet


Like gladiators

In disco arenas

Depleted me

Of my innocence too soon

Eclipsed the Eros moon

Back to listening 

To Joni Mitchell epistles

Leaving the garden

Of my youth

Exploring new lands

Mind traps

Of foolish untruths

To drink in 

The eyes of men

Unable to touch 

Their hearts

An unaffectionate 

Father’s disinheritance

Plagued me

A self absorbed

Mother’s poverty

Were my silver spoons

Born a stranger

In another cruel land

That would be

Against me

Baptized in the blues

Of that love 

That Oscar testified

Dare not speak

Its name 

Collecting dues

On the Hollywood


Deepening the hues

Of desire

And kindness

From strangers

Looking for the clues

Of my existence

In movies

And the music


And Gibsom Street

Speak to me

Lover man

Captains sailors

Tom cats 

Of every color

Calico men 

With fickle regard

Regard me 

The lion 

Has awakened

From a deep slumber

A hibernation

From the lamb

Mercy and salvation

Sought through drink

And assimilation


On weekend sojourns

In undercover garb

Needing a romantic


The scales

Of my balance

Off kilter

Coda: Tennessee exiting

A serious streetcar

Of conformity

Walking to a shoe factory


Like giving blood

After morning coffee

Rise and shine

Walk the line

Eight to five

To stay alive

Mother and sister

On the ropes

Of survival

The old man

Escaped town

Tennessee took hold

Of the reins

Of a father’s discontent

Inheriting an absent parent

Becoming his father

While hating his mother

I recognize a brother

Of high regard

Going down

In a sinking ship

So ill equipped

For dry land

Going through

Disaster motions

To hang on

Getting drunk

Reckoning adventure

From anywhere

Writing poetry and stories

During a pirate’s lunch

Gentlemen callers

And bits of glass

Under the sliver

Of a white wedge

Of moonlight

Far off in the mist

Stanley hollers “Stella”                                                         

Ronald G. Carrillo is a native Lincoln Hts Angelino, living in Eagle Rock and a retired LAUSD educator and influencer. He writes of his passion and rebirth into the golden age of living. He has been writing since high school and was initially influenced from the songwriters, Keith Reid, Joni Mitchell, Laura Nyro, Neil Young.

By Courtney Olanzapine

City lights once again I waved you goodbye

Friends! Friends found!

You'll be there on and off, like an agonizing bulb

Where else can you go?

It's a tapestry weaved with many a face

And it's a crowded highway leading nowhere

Slowed down conversation

Slowed down time

Is this it? Or just a pantomime?

Haphazard, overdue interest

In this night, the city as lonely as it gets

At this weird ballroom where we sell simplified selves,

With all its royal emptiness 

You can cry. You can recklessly stay

(You'll go on and off, like an agonizing bulb)

Or like a flower you can spread

Courtney Olanzapine is a neurodivergent artist from Madrid, Spain, that devoted many years to study English Literature and she started writing in English. She’s also an outsider painter in her Instagram and her poems deal with the struggles and joys of being a madwoman in the crazy era we live in, made out of capitalism and Tinder, but also sprinkled with love, comradeship, and beauty. She loves glitter, mythology, psychology and everything punk, because punk is passionately being yourself, and that’s her highest aim.

Pic: Christine Bullard

By Christine Bullard

Toxic trash smoke fills my lungs in Kaštel Novi

Bronchitis sets in...deep

Why pollute the air you breath

What about the youth and old

Perhaps they adapt 

Generations live in living museums

Behind walled cities

Inside castle walls

Century's of story telling

Most have been told

Some we'll never know

The Adriatic sea with dramatic shades of blue

Islands, boating and floating

Croatia, I love you   🇭🇷

Christine Bullard is a native Angeleno from Highland Park. As seen in Dwell and other magazines, she's an architectural photographer, LA realtor, a professional bellydancer, and recently became an Italian citizen living a digital nomadic life traveling throughout Europe. 

Love is not
By Lady Luuuna

Love is not the wounds you inflict,
In hopes of another's downfall,
Making them believe they are deserving of empty nothingness.
Love would not destroy a smile with a pit of frowns,
And make another believe to be a cowardice clown,
Who's heart of happiness is meant to burn bitter,
Because of their own misfortune and wither.
Love would not call you all names other than your own,
And adopt you to traits that isolate u alone,
Into believing you are someone that you hadn't been raised to know.
Love is not whose toxicity screams care,
Whose anger screams passion, admiration, and fair.
Love is not the one to leave me alone and bare,
To survive on my own and expect me to chase them as if I fear my own company.
Love would not leave me hanging dry after leaving me soaking wet in the cold for some time. It would warm me up and keep me dry,
Away from, avoiding, molding in between the lines.
My love does not ache or chase is despair,
For a damaged soul to yearn for what they can't see is there,
Right in front of them, light and peace they cannot see,
Love would not chain me and keep me from being set free. 

My name is Ashley Wiggin and I'm 25 years old from San Diego, CA. I have a love for all arts and enjoy pursuing in writing poetry and painting majority of the time, when I'm not taking care of the other responsibilities of life. 

Ur Killing Me
5:46 pm
By Mary Cheung

What doesn't kill me...

Just makes me wanna puke...

Out my guts.

Out my sanity,

Out my humanity.

Just so that I can become a robot for you. 

And continue to churn Out goods to keep this machine running. 

This commerce coming,

Well ain't that sumthing.

To viewers in HD, so much product to see!

But nothings for free.

For my life I sold to thee.

To keep the revenue flowing,  

cuz the big wigs needs to keep his income a growing. 

Built on the backs of our sweat.

Our tears are running a river of red. 

The days bled into each other.

The calendar dotted with numbers and names.

Each day's a shuffling variation,

It feels like an unwinnable game.

And if you didn't own me b4, 

well you sure do now. 

Got me on a tether,

Tripping up my weekends and how!

Time lost so precious and few.  

Some parents whose children will grow up foreign,

all because of you. 

Missing their school recital. 

Missing chaperoning their first school trip.  

Or maybe missing their Halloween parade.

now that, ain't too hip. 

But these are the sacrifices that we make. 

As parents, as humans to make a livelihood.

Crosses a line, when it crosses your life

that can't be very good.  

Cuz we need more then just work, 

to balance out the gift that is called life.  

We need to carve out the space to remember that we have a husband or a wife.  

Don't know why they call it working.  

Because this feels more like a slow torture and exercise of endurance and of faith. 

Leaves me counting the days until it's over. 

So I'll stick it out and hang onto, my previous four leaf clover. 

Until then I can only wonder,  

where this road is taking me, 

To an early grave? 

if so what shall they engrave? 

On the slate, on the plaque above me head. 

Here's lies....... with stitches in her vein and pins stuck in her head.. 

Mary Cheung is a multi-disciplinary artist. She has been creating art since she was young. Grew up the youngest in a family of eight. She came to America at the age of 2 and grew up in San Francisco. Attended American school during the day and Chinese school at night. 

Mary has an AA degree in Fashion Design and a Best Costume Design Award from the NAACP. She often creates costumes for her art narratives and creations. Sometimes building the sets as needed. 

Mary was the Producer for the Santa Rosa Spring Festivals 2011 and 2012 which incorporated live performances and festival games. 

She produced the EVOLUTION Music and Arts event in 2013. 

LUSCIOUS, Music Art, Live Body paint Art Event IN 2014 followed by 

OPEN FLOOR IMPROV EXPERIMENT whose purpose was to engage the community, encourage local business growth and artists involvement. Her real passion and drive come from being able to engage the community while bringing hope, healing, joy, and human connection. 

It is her goal to be able to continue to do this while making an impact on society’s values and thinking.

 “I hope that I can be a role model for others to find their own true voice in life through my art.

Thanks for joining us!  We will continue to host writers and poets of all genres.

Please submit your written work to: 

and include a short bio

Linda Kaye writes poetry, curates poetry, produces films, produces spoken word and art events and produces a poetry column POETS PLACE for the online publication LAARTNEWS throughout the Los Angeles area.

Linda’s poetry events have included several summer poetry salons, and shows at the Align Gallery, 50/50 Gallery, Gold Haus Gallery, Ave 50 Gallery and Rock Rose Gallery in Highland Park .The Manifesto Café in Hermon, Pilates and Arts studio in Echo Park, and Native Boutique, Zweet Café in Eagle Rock, The Makery in Little Tokyo. And at the Neutra Institute Gallery and Museum in Silverlake. Her first short documentary film “BORDER POETS” was a socially and politically inspired event with poets and musicians filmed at the border wall near Tecate, Mexico on the Jacumba, Ca. side of the US. The film co-produced by MUD productions is available for viewing on her website and on youtube.

Her rap music video project in collaboration with Mary Cheung, “ERACE-ISM” can also be seen on youtube.  This video was accepted into the Ontario Museum of History & Art show “We the People” Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow. February 2- April 16, 2023. So honored!!

And… February 19, 2022, she debuted her staged poetry production of “20 Years Left” at the historic Ebell Club in Highland Park! Two sold out shows with 2 standing ovations!! Check out the links to reviews and the video!

20 Years Left youtube live stream 2/19/22

20 Years Left is now a short documentary!!!! Screening at a living room near you!!!!

Linda Kaye is a native Angeleno who grew up in the San Fernando Valley. She claims to be both a first-generation Valley Girl, and The Original Hipster. Educated at Antioch University and Cal State Long Beach in psychology and social work. Linda, now retired from medical social work, was working for her last seven years of employment as a psychotherapist and licensed clinical supervisor for an out patient mental health clinic. She was a licensed medical social worker for 30+ years working on the front line of healthcare, a private consultant for Physicians Aid Association and for skilled nursing facilities throughout California and Arizona. She was also an adjunct assistant professor at the USC Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work. Oh yeah.

Twitter/Instagram: lindakayepoetry